Student Advising Services

MHA students receive support and mentorship from a multi-faceted student advising system.

  • Academic advising: Students meet with the Assistant Director at least once per semester (or as frequently as requested) for assistance with course registration, APE and ILE planning and general assistance with the program.
  • Faculty advising: Students are assigned a faculty mentor based on their identified interests. The faculty advisor is available to guide students in building connections with additional faculty and professionals in the field. Faculty advisors can also assist in helping students find research or practice opportunities, ideas for Applied Practice Experiences (APE) and Integrated Learning Experiences (ILE) placements, and career planning support.
  • Career advising: Students receive career-related support in a professional development seminar course; taken in both the Fall and Spring of the first year within the program. This includes assistance with developing résumés and cover letters, looking for internships and jobs, practicing for interviews, and negotiating internship/job offers. Students also have access to the University-wide career support services from the Career Center and Career Development office within the Graduate College.
  • Practice mentorship: During the Applied Practice Experience (APE), each student will work in a community organization gaining hands-on health administration experience. Each student will have a Preceptor from the organization who helps the student develop as a professional, in addition to honing their health administration practice skills.

Contact Information

  • MHA Program
  • Department of Kinesiology and Community Health
  • 1206 S. Fourth Street
  • Champaign, IL 61820
  • Phone: 217-244-1075
  • Connect with us on LinkedIn