Basic Language Instruction
Basic language instruction courses, typically through the fourth-level of instruction, with 300-400 level course numbers, will not apply to the advanced hour requirement. Examples include: BASQ 401, BASQ 402, CATL 401, CATL 402, HNDI 403, HNDI 404.
Students in the College of Applied Health Sciences do not receive credit for MATH 002 and MATH 012.
Effective Fall 2018, no more than 8 hours of basic rhetoric may count toward degree hours (including RHET 101, 102, 103, 104, 105; ESL 111,112, 115; CMN 111, 112)
Graduate Level Credit
Some courses at the 400-level may be taken for graduate school credit. To receive graduate credit as an undergraduate student requires the permission of the Graduate College. Courses taken as graduate credits do not apply toward the undergraduate semester hours required for graduation for a Bachelor’s degree. The Graduate College rather than Applied Health Sciences gives ultimate approval for graduate credit by undergraduate students.
Music Ensemble Courses
The College of Applied Health Sciences will accept a maximum of eight (8) hours of music ensemble courses as free electives applied to total hours required for graduation. The courses MUSC 487, MUSC 488, and MUSC 489 are performance music ensembles. These courses will not count as 400-level advanced coursework for purposes of degree completion.
Religious Foundation Courses
Credit hours are not accepted as hours toward graduation or free electives for these courses.
Kinesiology Activity Courses
The College of Applied Health Sciences will accept a maximum of 8 credit hours of 100-level Kinesiology activity courses (Kinesiology courses numbered 100 through 111) towards total hours required for a degree if a student matriculated at UIUC in the fall 2023 term or later. Students who matriculated at UIUC prior to fall 2023 are not subject to this limitation.
ROTC Courses
There is no limitation on hours of military service credit, or credit hours earned in Army, Navy or Air Force ROTC courses that can be applied to total hours for degree in the College of Applied Health Sciences for students who matriculated at UIUC in the fall 2023 semester or later.
Military service credit is not accepted by the College of Applied Health Sciences for students who matriculated at UIUC prior to the fall 2023 semester.
MILS 301 Leadership and Problem Solving
MILS 302 Leadership and Ethics
MILS 341 Leadership and Management
MILS 342 Officership
Air Force ROTC
AFAS 331 Leading People and Effective Communication I
AFAS 332 Leading People and Effective Communication II
AFAS 341 National Security Affairs/ Preparation for Active Duty I
AFAS 342 National Security Affairs/ Preparation for Active Duty II
NS 204 Navigation/Naval Operations I
NS 303 Leadership and Management
NS 307 Navigation/Naval Operations II
NS 308 Leadership and Ethics
NS 323 Maneuver Warfare Fundamentals
Aviation Courses
Please follow this link for information on Aviation courses.