AHS/CHAD Poster Printer
An enhanced “high end” poster printer (HP Designjet Z6200) is available for use by all CHAD members
• Poster Printer is in Huff Hall Suite 104 and available for use by AHS faculty, staff and graduate students during normal business hours.
• For Graduate Students: Student requests must be approved and submitted by the faculty sponsor following the guidelines above.
• We can only print on standard poster paper. If you require a different material, please contact Document Services in the Illini Union.
• Individual print requests should be submitted to this email: chad-posters@ahs.illinois.edu
• Please allow up to three business days for printing. An email will be sent when poster is completed and ready to be picked up in Huff Hall Suite 104.
• IMPORTANT: Please check your poster carefully for errors and typos. Posters will not be reprinted due to creator error.
Poster size and formatting requirements:
• Standard poster templates have been developed by Public Affairs and are available for the design and printing of posters.
• Any program can be used to create the poster, but to be printed, it must be PDF format. No other formats will be accepted.
• We recommend one of the poster’s dimensions be 42 inches, which eliminates the need to trim the printout. At least one dimension must be less than or equal to 42 inches.
• Photographs, graphics, or logos which look good on a monitor may not have enough resolution to print well. Viewing the PDF file at 200 percent zoom will help give an idea of the printed appearance.
• You must proofread your poster. Spellcheck and autocorrect will not fix correctly spelled mistakes. Posters will not be reprinted due to spelling errors.
Submit your poster for printing to: chad-posters@ahs.illinois.edu