front entrance of Huff Hall

Undergraduate Affairs

Absences and extensions

Special personal, family, or medical circumstances sometimes emerge that might disrupt your academic schedule and commitments. Whenever possible, discuss these concerns in advance with your instructors and/or academic advisor. Certain guidelines determine whether, and when, you may be accommodated.

Emergencies and absences

In the event of an emergency or sickness that will require a student to be absent from classes, he or she should contact the class instructor. If suffering from a prolonged illness of three or more days or are incapacitated and unable to communicate with instructors, students may contact the Student Assistance Center in the Office of the Dean of Students. For ongoing or significant issues that may affect your ability to succeed academically, please see your advisor or the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Affairs.

Final examination scheduling

Students do not have to take more than three final examinations in a 24-hour period. (A morning-afternoon-morning series is, however, a legitimate sequence and does not mean the student may rearrange the schedule.) Consult directly with your advisor after discussing the matter with your instructors.

Absence from finals

Students who do not appear at a final receive a grade of ABS. This permanent grade counts as a failing grade unless the student successfully petitions the college and the Assistant Dean excuses the absence. If the absence is due to illness, an excuse authorizing a grade of I (Incomplete) will be issued only when a physician supplies substantial evidence of illness. If there are other reasons for missing a final, the student must present adequate documentation of those reasons. Consult directly with the AHS Undergraduate Affairs office (118 Huff Hall).


Only AHS Undergraduate Affairs can authorize extensions for completion of other assignments (papers, reports, presentations) after the end of the term.

An I automatically becomes an F unless replaced by a passing grade by the middle of the next semester, if the student is re-enrolled. If the student does not re-enroll and the incomplete grade is not replaced, it becomes an F after one calendar year.